August 1-6, 2023
66th Annual Francis J. Robinson
International Memorial Tournament
Follow us on Facebook for announcements.
Thank you!

About the Robinson
The Robinson is named after a local tennis player, Lt. Francis J. Robinson, a young serviceman who died in a military flight training mission in July 1958. A group of Lt. Robinson’s friends started a small tennis tournament in his honor that same summer. The “Robinson” has grown into a local event that has drawn between 200-400 participants annually, with players 10 & under to 60 & over and is considered one of the longest running community tennis tournaments in the United States.
Registration & Format
June 19 – Registration Open ($40/Player)
Register Here – Online Entry Form!
July 21 – Registration Closes
- Round-robin format – Flights arranged by age & skill
- Divisions – Singles, Doubles and Mixed Doubles
- Juniors – Red, Orange, Green, Yellow Ball levels
Remind Text Updates - ALL Players & Parents--Sign up!
Remind Text Updates will be used for important announcements including weather/schedule changes. Please sign up to stay informed!
A-M Last Names – Send a text to 81010 with the message @2023roba-m
N-Z Last Names – Send a text to 81010 with the message @2023robn-z
Need help? Click here for a video about how to join a Remind class.
General Schedule of Play
Finals Times for Mixed (Saturday) and Singles & Doubles (Sunday) will be posted as soon as available.
MENS SINGLES – Tuesday evening – 10
WOMENS SINGLES – Tuesday evening – 3
BOYS & CO-ED ORANGE BALL SINGLES – Wednesday – 10 & 1
GIRLS SINGLES – Wednesday – 8
MENS DOUBLES – Wed/Thur evening – 9
WOMENS DOUBLES – Wed/Thur evening – 6
GIRLS DOUBLES– Thursday – 4
ADULT MIXED DOUBLES – Friday evening – 12
295 Entrants, 71 Flights
We are so grateful for the support of our Robinson tournament sponsors!
Each summer the success of the Robinson is achieved through your generosity. Our tennis community thanks you!
Become a Robinson Sponsor!
Please review the Robinson Sponsorship form detailing Sponsorship Levels and how to submit your contribution. If you need additional assistance, please email
Concessions/Services & Amenities
KATE’S DOWNTOWN will be providing concessions again this Robinson. We are so happy to have Kate and her amazing crew serving sammies, wraps, fruit, bakery items, and of course SMOOTHIES! Kate’s hours are Wednesday – Saturday 11am-5pm.
BIG RIVER BBQ arrives on Tuesday & Thursday night 4-8pm serving up the meats! Bring your appetite for some amazing BBQ!
NO FORKS GIVEN food truck drives up on Wednesday & Friday 4-8pm serving a variety of hands-on eats! Tacos, hot dogs, grilled cheese, nachos and more!
CALMING EFFECTS HEALTH SPA will be on site providing chair massages! Get a pre-match warm-up, an after-match cool down, or relieve some stress while you watch your favorite players! Pricing is $1/minute or $15/20 minutes. Tuesday & Wednesday 5-8pm, and Sunday 11am-3pm. We are so fortunate to have them coming to the Robinson this year, so please share with family & friends.
DR. ANDREW ST. COEUR/CORE PERFORMANCE CHIROPRACTIC will provide kinesio/athletic taping ($10) for on Tuesday & Thursday 4-8pm and Saturday & Sunday 8-11:30am. Dr. St. Coeur will apply kinesiology tape, a therapeutic tape applied strategically to the body to provide support, lessen pain, reduce swelling, and improve performance.

Robinson Winners & Awards History
Open Robinson Winners and Awards History to view past winners and special award recipients.
Register Here!
Register Here!
⇒ Online Entry Form – Open Here! ⇐
Please review the 2023 Robinson Tournament Format and Rules
Kids Play Day! Sign up HERE!
10&U Kids! FREE Play Day!
Register Online by July 31st – CLICK HERE!
FREE & FUN games, prizes, crafts, music, snacks and a t-shirt!
T-Shirt Design Contest! CLICK for Winner info!
Design the Shirt!
Robinson tournament shirt winner is Shannon Muir!
We decided to also choose a Winner for the Kid’s Day T-Shirt this year, and the winning artist design came from Will Mihora!
CONGRATS to you both! Designs will be revealed after the tournament is underway! And we will share shirt images later in the week!
Entry deadline – July 10th. Tournament shirt winner receives free Robinson entry + $50 Gift Card!
Kid’s Day Shirt winner receives a $25 Dairy Queen Gift Card!
Download 2023 T-Shirt Design Contest RULES/ENTRY for details!