“Last Thursday they did it again! 99 baskets were assembled then delivered by Catholic Social Services to local area senior citizens who are unable to get out on their own- what a wonderful holiday gift! Thank you to all the wonderful women who put together the baskets and to everyone who donated food…this annual event would not be possible without you!
Thank you…MaryKay Baribeau, Jessica Guyor, Debbie Campbell, SaraJane Rowling, Linda Smith, Angie Shonk, Chris Krause, Martha Chapman, Michelle Nedic, Cindy Schuhmacher, Pat Thompon (“pictured” but not able to attend 🙂 )”
From 2016 Food Basket Drive. Posted by Port Huron Tennis House on 12/22/2016 (11 items)
- L to R: MaryKay Baribeau, Jessica Guyor, Debbie Campbell, SaraJane Rowling, Linda Smi…
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