Be a part of the country’s largest recreational tennis league! Teams are made up of five to eight players arranged by age and skill level. Competition and social atmosphere bring more than 800,000 participants onto the court nationwide to enjoy league, district, state, section and national level match play. Team tennis turns our “individual” sport into an exciting group experience!
USTA Geography
Our USTA teams are part of the Southeastern Michigan Tennis Association (SEMTA) in the Midwest Section of the USTA. SEMTA is one of 14 Districts that comprise the Midwest Section which includes the following states: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Wisconsin, and portions of Kentucky and West Virginia. SEMTA is made up of the following Michigan counties: Hillsdale, Lenawee, Livingston, Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair, Washtenaw and Wayne. To learn more about all the USTA sections and districts, visit this page.
Playing for the PHTH
During the indoor and summer sessions there are several competitive travel teams. You can form your own team or join an existing team. Current USTA membership is required to participate. Visit the USTA website for membership, NTRP ratings and team registration information.
Summer 2024
Lew Evenson Captain
Glenn Johnson Captain
Traci Whymer Captain
Lisa Higgins Captain
Deb Watson Captain
Lew Evenson Captain
Lew Evenson Captain
Winter 2024
Lew Evenson Captain
Lew Evenson Captain
Bruce Davies Captain
Fall 2023
Congrats to our 7.0 Mixed for taking 1st Place in their league and advancing to District Playoffs! Great job, everyone!
On the team: Captain – Bruce Davies, Nancy Pfeifer, Gary Gorski, Char Sweeney, Carrie Smith, Lisa Higgins, Karen Keenan, Jennifer Harper, Betty Latosinsky, John Baxter, Peter Tseng, Greg Gale, Rick Scavarda, Beth Tseng, John McInnis, Tracy Stablein
Emily Herbert Captain
Traci Whymer Captain
Lew Evenson Captain
6.5 Men Combo
Bruce Davies Captain
Summer 2023
Diane Neaton Captain
Lisa Higgins Captain
Lew Evenson Captain
Lew Evenson Captain
Traci Whymer Captain
Deb Watson Captain
Doug Touma Captain
Lew Evenson Captain
Winter 2023
Lew Evenson Captain
Bruce Davies Captain
League Advancements
7.0 65+ Men – Congrats to the Men’s 7.0 team for winning their league. It was an “all in the family” kind of league since the only other team was also from the PHTH. So we win no matter what! Great job to all the guys for playing an all-PHTH league, but the team captained by Tino Dibattista moved on to Indianapolis for playoffs. On day one they lost to Ohio and Indiana. But on day two they defeated the other team from Indiana in a close match with two courts going to a super-breaker! Amazing season, Men’s 7.0!
On the team: Captain – Tino Dibattista, Greg Gale, Gary Gorski, Rick Scavarda, Jim Charron, John Johnson, Jeff Blackman
6.0 40+ Mixed Doubles – Way to go, PHTH on your DISTRICTS CHAMPIONSHIP on May 1st! The team defeated The Chippewa Club 2-1 in the first round, then beat Eastside 2-1 to bring home the Championship! The team advanced to Midwest Sectionals on October 8th where they finished in 3rd place behind Ohio & Indiana. The PHTH defeated Illinois who placed 4th. AMAZING SEASON, EVERYONE! CONGRATULATIONS!
On the team: Captain – Lew Evenson, David Fajardo, Diane Neaton, Traci Whymer, Dan Dooley, Aaron Faust, Trish DeFrain, Nancy Pfeifer, Doug Touma, Kim Dooley, Don Murray, Sarah Touma, Kristin Pillon, Jim Neaton

We want to congratulate these teams for winning their league play and advancing to District Playoffs!
3.5 40+ Women – Captain – Lisa Higgins, Sarah Touma, Tracy Stablein, Amy Stablein, Sheri Faust, Beth Tseng, Traci Whymer, Kristen Houle, Deborah Watson, Carrie Smith, Lynn Vandenbossche, Andrea Mcclellan, Nancy Pfeifer, Kristin Pillon, Lori Tracy, Patricia Hildebrand, Tina Pitre
2.5 18+ Women – Captain – Diane Neaton, Jenelle Fye, Shannon Muir, Stacie Stein, Trish DeFrain, Kim Dooley, Melanie Muchortow, Karen Walker, Lisa Barnett, Amy Walton
6.0 18+ Mixed – Captain – Lew Evenson, Chris Barnett, Don Murray, Krista Marquardt, Meghan Schwanz, Tim VanHowe, Kristin Pillon, Max Schwanz, Charlotte Fajardo, Nancy Pfeifer, Emily Tseng, Larry Fajardo, John Walton, John Aguinaga, Jeff Dalrymple, Aaron Faust, David Fajardo, Doug Touma, Lisa Barnett, Mike Ziegler, Katie Touma
Congratulations to our District Champions!
3.0 40+ Men – The PHTH brought home the League win and followed it up with a District Championship! District playoffs were SO close. Both teams had 2 wins and 2 losses. When it came down to games won the PHTH had the edge over Novi Athletic Club with a 53.52% game winning percentage vs Novi’s 46.48% — every game counts! Congratulations on advancing to Midwest Sectionals!
On the team: Captain – Lew Evenson, Jonathan Winters, David Fajardo, Aaron Faust, Jim Neaton, Don Murray, Chris Beck, Doug Touma, Scott Fye, Anthony Boutt, Jim Radatz, Dan Dooley, John Walton, John Aguinaga, Larry Fajardo, Tim VanHowe